1- HIS TEACHINGS-The Yoga of Jesus:  Introduction

                  -Bodywork:                   Mudra and  Anjali Mudra              
   -Meditation:                  Prayer and Meditation
    -His teachings               Introduction: The Yoga of  Jesus.

"Behold, The Kingdom of God is Within You" (Luke: 17:21 )

2- HIS TEACHINGS-The Yoga of Jesus:  Jesus. Divine Incarnation- Avatar


                  -Bodywork:                   Postures for meditation                
   -Meditation:                  Prayer without worldly expectations 
    -His teachings              Jesus. Divine Incarnation- Avatar

" I and my Father are one" ( John : 10: 30  )

   "Real Christ followers are those who embrace in their own consciousness
through meditation and ecstasy
the omnipresent cosmic wisdom and bliss of Jesus Christ.
Devotees must know and truly feel the presence of omnipresent Christ all the time,  must commune with Him in ecstasy, and be guided by His infinite Wisdom."

3- HIS TEACHINGS-The Yoga of Jesus:  Jesus and Yoga   


                  -Bodywork:                   Awakening Body                 
   -Meditation:                  Concentration Awareness and Meditation 
    -His teachings              Jesus and Yoga

" And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature,  
 and in favor with God and men." ( Luke: 2 :52  )  

4- HIS TEACHINGS-The Yoga of Jesus:  Inner Teachings of Jesus the Yogi-  


             -Bodywork:                   Yoga of the Spine:” Make Straight the way of the Lord”.               
-Meditation:                  The Word Meditation   AUM   
-His teachings              Inner Teachings of Jesus the Yogi

“If you love me, keep My commandments.

and I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter,

that He may abide with you forever;

The Spirit of Truth,whom the world cannot receive,

because it neither sees Him, nor know Him:

but you know Him; for He dwells with you, and will be in you.

I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you...

‘But the Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit,
 whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things,
and bring to your remembrance all things, that I said to you.

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you;

not as the world gives do I give to you.

Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid”

(John 14:15-18, 26, 27)


All the words we hear in this world only deceive us.

If they were in the Temple Space [Aeon] they would keep silent

And no longer refer to worldly things,

in the Temple Space [Aeon] they fall silent (Philip, logion 11:1-11)


The Truth makes use of words in the world

Because without these words in the world, it would remain totally unknowable.

The Truth is one and many,

So as to teach us the innumerable  One of Love. (Philip, logion 12:7-10)



5- HIS TEACHINGS-The Yoga of Jesus:  The "Second birth": Awakening of Soul-Intuition-  


                 -Bodywork:                  Third Eye and Intuition.               
   -Meditation:                  Within-Without  Meditation   
    -His teachings              The "Second  Birth": Awakening of  Soul-Intuition

 Jesus answered and said unto him,

“Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again,

 he cannot see the kingdom of God ”. (John 3:5) 




When the blessed one had said this, he greeted al of them and said, “Peace be with you. Take my peace to yourselves.

Watch out that no one misleads you by saying, “Look, here,” or “Look, there”,  

 for the child of humankind is within you. Follow him. Those who seek him will find him” (Gospel of Mary 8:11 -21) 



“For this reason I say this to you, that you may know yourselves.

“For heaven’s kingdom is like a head of grain that sprouted in a filed.  

 And when it was ripe, it scattered its seed, and again it filled the field with heads of grain for another year.

So also with you, be eager to harvest for yourselves a head of the grain of life, that you may be filled with the kingdom”. (Secret Book of James 12. 20-31)



6-HIS TEACHINGS-The Yoga of Jesus:  "Lifting up the Son of Man" to Divine Consciousness-   


                  -Bodywork:                   Spiral , Spiral, Spiral              
   -Meditation:                  Meditations - Savikalpa and Nirvikalpa Samadhi     
    -His teachings              “Lifting up the Son of Man” to Divine Consciousness 


And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that comes down from heaven,

 even the Son of man which is in heaven.

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,

even so must the Son of man be  lifted up:

 that whosoever believeth in him should  not perish, but have eternal life”

(John 3:9-15) 



Judas said, “Tell me, master, what is the beginning of the way?”

He said,: “love and Goodness. For if one of these had existed among the rulers, wickedness would never have come to be”.  
 (Dialogue of the Savior 73-74)





“Do not let heaven’s kingdom become a desert within you. Do not be proud because of the light that enlightens. rather, act towards yourselves as I myself have toward you. I have put myself under a curse for you, that you might be saved.” 
 (Secret Book of James 13, 17-25)




Concerning this the master says in a mystery,  
 “If you do not make what is on the right like what is on the left and what is on the left  like what is on the right, and what is above like what is below and what is behind like what is before, you will not recognize the kingdom”.  
 (Martyrdom of Peter 9)



7- HIS TEACHINGS-The Yoga of Jesus:  "The true meaning of "Belief on His Name" and Salvation"  


           -Bodywork:                   Heart-opening  - Universal Love              
-Meditation:                  From Belief to Conviction, Experience and Realization   Meditation 
 -His teachings              “The true meaning of “Belief on His Name” and Salvation” 


“For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  

 that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  

 For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world;  

 but that the world through him might be saved.(John3:16-17) 




For he says, “Not everyone who says to me, “Master, master,” will be saved,

but whoever does righteousness.”(2 Clement 4:2)




Jesus said: “Whoever seeks the world is like one who drinks seawater. The more he drinks, the more his thirst increases, until it kills him”(Al-Ghazali, Revival of the religious Sciences, 3.161)


This world is a bridge


Jesus said,”This world is a bridge, Pass over it, but do not build your dwelling there.”(Inscription from a mosque at Fathpur Sikri , India )


8- HIS TEACHINGS-The Yoga of Jesus:  "Jesus' Yoga of Divine Love: The Beatitudes- The Sermon on the Mount"


               -Bodywork:                    Detachment, Devotion, Righteousness, Perseverance             
   -Meditation:                  " From humbleness to  Bliss" Meditation 
    -His teachings              “Jesus' Yoga of Divine Love: The Beatitudes- The Sermon on the Mount” 


And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,  

 “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”  
 (Matthew 5:2-3) 

The Parallel Sayings


Blessed are the Solitary, and those who have been chosen . For they will find the kingdom .

 ( The Gospel  of Thomas ) 

When the completely controlled mind rests serenely in the Self alone, 
  free from longing after all desires, then it is one called steadfast in the Self. 
 (The Bhagavad Gita ) 


Sitting alone, sleeping alone, going about alone, vanquish the ego by yourself alone.

Abiding joy will be yours when all selfish desires end.

 ( The Dhammap ada  ) 

Lao Tzu

Though there  may be many beautiful sights to see, one achieves peace by staying at home.

 ( The Tao Te Ching ) 


9- HIS TEACHINGS-The Yoga of Jesus:  “ Divine Love: Highest Goal of Life ” 


                 -Bodywork:                     Open your Heart, your Soul, your Strength, your Mind              
  -Meditation:                  "  Divine Love for your neighbor"   Meditation 
   -His teachings               Divine Love: Highest Goal of Life  


“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,

and with all your soul,

and with all your strength,

and with all your mind;

and your neighbour as yourself.” (Luke 10: 27)




“And pray  for your enemies.  

 For One who is not [against] you is for you.  

 [ One who] is far away [today] will be [near you] tomorrow...” 

 (Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 1224, p. 176)



10- HIS TEACHINGS-The Yoga of Jesus:  “ The Kingdom of God Within You ”  


               -Bodywork:                   Control of senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch               
   -Meditation:                  Deeper and Persistent  Meditation 
    -His teachings              The Kingdom of God Within You ”  

 "And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come,  
 he answered them and said, 
 ” The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, “Lo here!” or, “Lo there!”  
 for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you”  

 (Luke 17:20-21).




And he spoke to me and said,
“I am you and you are I, and wherever you are, I am there, and in all things am I sown.
And from wherever you wish, you gather me, and when you gather me, you gather yourself”

(Gospel of Eve, in Epiphanius, Panarion 26.3.1)



“I am knocking, and if anyone opens for me, we shall enter for that person, I and my father,

and we shall make a home with that person, “

(Epiphanius, Panarion 69.63)


11- HIS TEACHINGS-The Muslim Jesus:  “ Jesus in the Muslim Gospel ”  


                 -Bodywork:                  Spiritual Life                
   -Meditation:                  Meditation 
    -His teachings              “Jesus in the Muslim Gospel”  


Jesus said :

"  Blessed is he who guards his tongue,

whose house is sufficient for his needs,

and who weeps for his sins ”   


Jesus said: 

"O disciples, seek the love of God by your hatred of sinners; 

seek to be near Him by [doing] that which distances you from them; 

and seek His favor by being angry with them". 

He [Malik] said:"I do not know which [commandment] he began with".

They said,: "Spirit of God, whose company then shall we keep?"

He replied:

"Keep the company of him whose sight reminds you of God, whose speech increases your knowledge, whose deeds make the afterlife desirable".



12- HIS TEACHINGS-The Muslim Jesus:  “ The Sayings of Jesus in the Muslim Gospel ”


              -Bodywork:                   The Art of  Simplicity and the Essential                 
   -Meditation:                  Name(s) of God  Meditation  - Dhikr 
    -His teachings               The Sayings of  Jesus in the Muslim Gospel”  


Jesus said:“Talk much to God, talk little to people”.

He was asked, “How do we talk much to God?”

Jesus answered, “Converse with him in solitude, pray to Him in solitude”. (188)


If you wish, you may repeat

what the Possessor of the Word and the Spirit [of God],

Jesus the son of Mary, used to say:

“Hunger is my seasoning,

fear is my garment,

wool is my clothing,

the light of the dawn is my heat in winter,

the moon is my lantern,

my legs  are the beast of burden,

and the produce of earth is my food and fruit.

I retire for the night with nothing to my name

and awake in the morning with nothing to my name.

And there is no one on earth richer than me”.(189)



13- HIS TEACHINGS-The Apocalypse of St John : Understanding The Book of Revelation-   


     -Bodywork:                    Determination to Yoga - be One                  
-Meditation:                   The One Meditation  
 -His teachings               The Apocalypse of St John : Understanding The Book of Revelation”  


I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, " says the Lord God,

"the One who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."


14- HIS TEACHINGS-The Apocalypse of St John : Understanding The Book of Revelation-  


15- HIS TEACHINGS- The Imitation of Christ: Introduction

  -Bodywork:                    For a Spiritual and Inner Life                   
   -Meditation:                    Just Like Christ Meditation  
    -His teachings               The  Imitation of Christ: Introduction ”  

The Imitation of Christ (or De imitatione Christi), by Thomas à Kempis, is a widely read Christian spiritual book.  
It was first published anonymously, in Latin, ca. 1418 .  The work is a manual of devotion intended to assist the soul with its pursuit of holiness and communion with God. Its sentences are statements, not arguments, and are pitched in the highest key of Christian experience.   

 He Who folows Me, walks not in darkness, "says the Lord (John 8:12)

By these words of Christ we are advised to imitate His life and habits,

If we wish to be truly enlightened and free from al blindness of heart.

Let our chief effort, therfore, be to study the life of Jesus Christ.
(Book I, Chapter 1)

16- HIS TEACHINGS-  The Imitation of Christ: The first Book- Helpful Thoughts for the Spiritual Life

 -Bodywork:                     Acquiring Peace and Zeal for Perfection                   
-Meditation:                    Meditation  :  Love of Solitude and Silence   
-His teachings               The  Imitation of Christ:  Helpful thoughts for Spiritual Life  ”  

Vanity of Vanities and all is vanity, except to love God and serve Him alone

This is the greatest wisdom—

to seek the kingdom of heaven through contempt of the world.

(Book I, chapter1)

17- HIS TEACHINGS-  The Imitation of Christ: -Book two - The Inner Life

                -Bodywork:                     Pure Mind and Simple Intention                    
   -Meditation:                    Meditation:  Fix your mind on the Most High, and Pray unceasingly to Christ    
    -His teachings               The  Imitation of Christ:   The Inner Life  ”  

"The Kingdom of God is within you", says the Lord (Luke 17:21)

Turn, then, to God with all your heart.
Forsake this wretched world and your soul shall find rest.

Learn to despise external things, to devote yourself
to those that are within and you will see 
The Kingdom of God come unto you,
that kingdom which is peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,
gifts not given to the impious.

Christ will come to you offering His consolation,
if you prepare a fit dwelling for Him in your heart, whose beauty and glory,
wherein He takes delight, are all from within.
His visits with the inward man are frequent,
His peace great, and His intimacy wonderful indeed.
(Book II, Chapter 1)

18- HIS TEACHINGS-  The Imitation of Christ: -Book three - Inner Consolation

  -Bodywork:                     The primordial sound                     
-Meditation:                    Meditation :  The Sound      
-His teachings               The  Imitation of Christ: Inner Consolation”  

"I WILL hear what the Lord God will speak in me", Ps 84:9

Blessed is the soul who hears the Lord speaking within her,
who receives the word of consolation from His lips.
Blessed are the ears that catch the accents of divine whispering, and pay no heed
to the murmurings of this world
Blessed indeed are the ears that listen, not to the voice which sounds without, but
to the truth which teaches within.
Blessed are the eyes which are closed to exterior things and are fixed upon those
which are interior.
Blessed are they who penetrate inwardly, who try daily to prepare themselves more 
and more to understand mysteries.
Blessed are they who long their time to God, and who cut themselves off
from the hindrances of the world

Consider these things, my soul, and close the door of your senses, so that you can
hear what the Lord your God speaks within you.
"I am your salvator", says your Beloved " I am your peace and your life
Remain with Me and you will find peace.
Dismiss all passing things and seek the eternal.
What are all temporal things but snares? And what help will all creatures be able
to give you if you are deserted by the Creator?"
Leave all these things therefore, and make yourself pleasing and faithful to your 
Creator so that you may attain to true happiness.

(Book III: Chap 1)




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