Science of life



Ayurveda, Science of Life ,  is the  indian  medecine  which objective is to achieve  well being and health by working  towards balance , towards harmony and not by fighting disease. Prevention  is emphasized over cure , through harmony within one’s self, within all aspects of self. and through self-care  



Metabolic types

                According to Ayurveda  Life is play of forces, continuously changing . the five elements combine in pairs to form three dynamic forces called Doshas:



Air, Ether

‘That which moves things"


cold, light, irregular, mobile, rarefied, dry and rough

As Wind, VATA imparts energy, life, movements and expression, it governs our sensory and mental balance and orientation, it promotes mental adaptability


Fire, Water

“That which digest things”


hot, light, fluid, subtle, sharp, soft and clear

As Fire, PITTA creates heat and light, through which we have vision, digestion and transformation. It is responsible for all chemical and metabolic transformation in the body. It governs also our mental digestion, our capacity to perceive reality.


Water, Earth

“That which holds things”


oily, cold, heavy, stable, dense and smooth

As Water, KAPHA provides substance and give support, and makes up the bulk of our bodily tissues. It provides also our emotional support in life and governs such positive emotional traits as love, compassion, modesty, patience, and forgiveness


The balance of V-P-K makes  our body and  determine our strenghts and weaknesses. There are three pure types and 7 mixed types

Vpk (VATA dominant)                         vPk(PITTA dominant)              vpK(KAPHA dominant)

                            VPk (VATA-PITTA)                          PVk (PITTA-VATA)

                           VKp (VATA-KAPHA)                       KVp (KAPHA-VATA)

                           PKv (PITTA-KAPHA)                       KPv (KAPHA-PITTA)

                                                    VPK (VITA-PITTA-KAPHA)

The balance of V-P-K is influenced by  climatic, seasonal, life stage, diet and lifestyle changes

Our constitution could be determined with a test  , which could be taken and printed from  here:       (in Excel, 4 pages)

 Imbalance   creates physical and mental toxins  .

Accumulation of toxins from negative thoughts and lifestyle, lead to Disease

According to ayurveda, disease is good sign of imbalance

The 6 stages of diseases are: accumulation,  aggravation,  dissemination, relocation, manifestation, disruption

Imbalance can be corrected  with diet and herbs, oils and massage, purification, colors and gems, yoga and meditation,  change of life-style.


Daily rhythm

KAPHA          6h        -          10h      (Exercises)

PITTA             10h      -          14h                                                     

VATA             14h      -          18h

KAPHA          18h      -          22h      (serenity)                         

PITTA             22h      -          2h

VATA             2h        -          6h        (high spiritual states)                



Summer                                   Fall                              Winter                                     Spring

                        PITTA                         VATA                                     KAPHA


Life stage

Childhood                               Teenager and Adult                             Old age

KAPHA                                             PITTA                                    VATA


Exercises and Massage

VATA             slow and light               15-20mn         

PITTA             moderate,                    15-20mn         

KAPHA          Vigourous                    15-30mn         



Lungs               Small Intestin               Large Intestin

KAPHA          PITTA                         VATA



Balance VATA:         1) food:  hot, heavy and oily    

(avoid, cold, dry and light)

                                   2)preferable:  tastes: sweet, sour, salty

(avoid pungent, bitter, astringent)

                                   3) bigger quantity

Balance PITTA            1)food: fresh and liquid

(avoid  hot food)

                                   2)preference: tastes sweet, bitter, astringent    

(avoid pungent, salty, sour)

Balance KAPHA         1)food light, dry and hot

                                               (avoid heavy, oily and cold)

                                   2)preference tastes: pungent, bitter, astringent

                                               (avoid sweet, salty, sour)


                            Decrease         Increase

Sweet                      PV                    K                    Earth,Water                     sugar, honey, rice, pasta, milk, cream, butter

Sour                          V                    KP                  Earth, Fire                       lemon, cheese, yugurt,  prunes, vinegar

Salty                         V                     KP                  Water, Fire                     all salty foods

Pungent                    K                     PV                   Fire, Air                         strong spices,  Cayenne pepper, pepper, ginger, 

bitter                        PK                   V                     Air, ether                       salads, spinach, endives

astringent                 PK                   V                     Air, Earth                       beans, lentils, pomegranate, apples, pears



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