Unconditional Love is our true nature
is everywhere, it is everything. So the futile struggle to try and prove that it
is not so, will eventually destroy us...
the root of every life purpose, no matter what it is we DO, is the feeling of
love. Love of self, love of others, and service with love. So really, it matters
little about what we specifically do with the hours of the days of our lives. It
is about how we do it, with what feeling, what intention
Love is simply an unlimited way of being, without
conditions or reservations, absolute
Love is available at any moment
by turning our attention to it and using its wonderful potential to free us from
our limitations. It requires practice and intent to allow this energy to
fully permeate our daily experience. It begins with ourselves, for without
self-love, we cannot know what true love can be. In loving ourselves, we
allow the feeling to generate within us and then we can share it to everyone and
everything around us! That which we send out, returns to us in greater
Life, through unconditional
Love, is a wondrous adventure that excites the very core of our being and lights
our path with delight
-God is pure Consciousness, Love
-Our true nature is Love, Unconditional Love
-Connection though Prana
-Connection through breathing E-P-I-P.
-Feelings of Loving -kindness, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy, Unconditional Love
-The greatest power known to man is that of unconditional love. Through the
ages, mystics, sages, singers and poets have all expressed the ballad and call
to love. As humans, we have searched endlessly for the experience of love
through the outer senses. Great nations have come and gone under the guise of
love for their people. Religions have flourished and perished while claiming the
true path to love. We may have missed the simplicity of unconditional love.
- However,
to allow us to reach rapidly our capacity to Live our true nature, we need to
surrender some ancient programming... not just from our minds, but from our
cellular memory, where it is deeply and tenaciously held. Release, Release,
-Be careful what you think; for your life is shaped by your thoughts
If you think hate, then those seeds of hatred will grow. If you think
guilt and pessimism and shame, then those seeds of misery too will grow. Yet,
how wonderful it is to realize that if you think of love, of forgiveness, and of
your divine power within, those seeds will grow and manifest into such a
glorious beacon of light to the world
Once you begin to practice these small but powerful steps, you begin
planting in small ways the seeds of Holiness; you will see a power you would
never have imagined. You will begin to manifest the very power of Love! It will
be through that power that you will be able to love your neighbor, your friend,
and your enemy.
These exercises will help you cultivate this bridging and nourishing
heart energy
1. Breathing into Your Heart
Fear contracts the heart, closing it down. Breathing into the heart expands it,
making space for new feelings and experiences. Before you begin, connect with
your heart and notice its size and how it feels. Take about two minutes to
consciously breathe into your heart, feeling it expand with each breath. Now
check in again with your heart. How has your experience of your heart changed?
2. Reaching Out and Drawing in Love,
Joy, Compassion, Spirit, and God
Our conscious intentions, choices, and actions have great power. By consciously
choosing to draw certain energies to you, you become like a magnet for your own
good. Drawing in love, joy, compassion, spirit, and God can counteract fear,
anxiety, or depression.
This exercise should be done slowly. It can be practiced while standing,
sitting, or lying down. Reach out in front of (or above) you, extending your
arms, hands, and fingers and imagine you are reaching out for love - God’s
love, the universe’s love, and so forth. Slowly draw that love energy in
toward your heart until your hands come to rest on your chest. You can add words
to this exercise, such as “I open myself to love (or joy, compassion, spirit,
God). Love, come rest in my heart.”
Love meditations.
loving-kindness meditation (Metta Meditation) - Metta
is the practice of friendship of loving-kindness. It is cultivated as a
meditation and a way of life along with compassion, joy and equanimity. These
practices strengthen self-confidence, self-acceptance and a steadiness of mind
and heart, revealing our fundamental connectedness to all life.
-Compassion meditation: (Karuna
meditation)- Karuna meditation is a
concentration, compassion practice addressing the awareness of suffering and the
difficult states of aversion and/or pity that often arise in response to pain
-Sympathetic joy meditation (Mudita
meditation) - Mudita is
the heartfelt joy for others in their own good fortune. The challenges to Mudita
include envy, jealousy, and judgment in all forms – diminishing others to
support one’s own sense of worth, or self-criticism – all painful responses
that create suffering. It includes psychological perspectives on self-esteem as
well as resources for maintaining hopefulness, cheerfulness and optimism.
-Unconditional Love and
Equanimity meditation (Uppekha Meditation) - Equanimity is the balanced
spaciousness of mind that sees all things clearly for what they are and is the
goal of Spiritual practices.
Karuna, and Upekkha are understood as the three spontaneous responses of the
heart to relational situations, equanimity in response to neutral, painful, or
fortunate situations
Love and Peace
So many people are calling, praying and demanding
peace upon our planet right now. Let us all be reminded that true peace is
found when we are at peace within. Be at peace and you create a world of
peace. Do not just pray for peace, become peace itself.
Take the time to find the natural peace that resides within and you add
to the real feeling of peace to everyone and everything around you. Let go
of your fears and doubts and that of others. Be extremely discerning in
what you focus your attention upon right now and question the messages and
reflections. If it is loving, expand it. If it is less than loving,
critical or in any way invokes hatred, fear or anger, release it and return to
Create your own pictures of reality and fill them with peace and love.
Walk in joy and harmony and know that all is well.
You can add your energy to this vision by contemplating peace and tapping
into the higher desire for peace at any moment.
Acts of Love
When we allow ourselves to understand the impact our actions have not only on
ourselves but the planet we live on; we realize the necessity to take loving
action. We each have the power to correct conditions within as well as to affect
the world we live in.
There are so many ways to apply love in our everyday lives. Yet, if we do
not take care of ourselves, it is virtually impossible to feel and share love
with the world around us. As an act of self-love, we can begin to educate
ourselves and learn to take care of our physical bodies as well as keep our
thoughts and feelings positive and loving. Nurturing ourselves also teaches us
how to nurture life around us.
Practice constant acts of kindness and you bring kindness upon this
planet. Forgiveness is the easiest and most powerful act of kindness you
can make. Both for yourself and for others, this activity promotes unity,
harmony and oneness that transmutes the old into the new.
magnificent planet is filled with opportunities to experience love, tolerance,
peace and joy. When
we, as individuals, realize our potential to love unconditionally, we transform
ourselves and the planet at the same time. Such is the power we wield every
moment of every day. The choice is ours to create a world of joy and happiness,
love and goodwill.
moment of every day is a new beginning. This can be a powerful mantra or affirmation. The meaning held in these
words opens us to a new way of living and experiencing life. Each moment
holds a new beginning of possibility and an opportunity to create without
limitation. We can let go of what we perceive or believe is before us and allow
our personal potential to shine through. Start each day as a new journey
of self discovery. Let go of yesterday and tomorrow and embrace the power of
now. Remind yourself daily of the newness of life in the moment.
A New Resolution
Within you is an unlimited supply of love and you hold the key to its
release. Fear and doubt, anger and hate, have no more control over our
lives than we allow. Can it be that simple? It really is.
Loving is a choice we can make every moment.
Begin with yourself. Realize that you are a powerful, spiritual and
angelic being and can create with love. Take care of your thoughts and
feelings and make sure they reflect the positive you. Also observe your
actions and insure that they have a loving intent too.
Even when our emotions get the best of us and the stress and concerns of
life become a bit overwhelming, just remember we have tools of forgiveness,
meditation, visualization and letting go to assist us in overcoming the negative
experiences we encounter each day. Some things just are not worth worrying
about or holding on to.
When you are clear and receptive to your own higher, loving nature, you
can then direct this love to people and places around you. Your peace
becomes the peace for others. Your love becomes the love other people
Ways to Generate Love
-Forgive - Forgiveness is a wonderful
way to release the past and to love unconditionally. Drawing a line behind
you, you can free yourself of limitations and be at peace with the process of
life. Move forward to new beginnings
- Meditate - sit quietly, breath deeply, visualize your heart as a
blazing orb of light
- Be still in any moment of confusion, fear or anxiousness and focus on your
breath. In the stillness comes the solution
- Look into a mirror and see yourself as for the first time and say, "I
love myself Unconditionally
-Journal - write out your feelings to better help yourself understand
who you think you are and how you really view yourself.
-Embrace someone.
-Embrace yourself.
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