Focusing Listening to the
deeper self
as each of us has a unique individualized ego self,,
has a unique deeper self that is connected to the Whole.
we become aware that we have both aspects.
can learn to listen to both, and distinguish their voices.
need both working in harmony to express our wholeness.
ego self needs the deeper self for its clarity and wisdom.
deeper self in turn needs the ego self to demonstrate its unique individualized
deeper self
-Super conscious or Higher self
universal spiritual qualities ( love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and humility
- source of creativity, generosity, the desire to serve, right thinking and
living, devotion, and faith.
it knows from the beginning who it is and what it is and why it is here
- It is whole and unified, not divided
has a sense of oneness
- It is present in all of us
- It is connected to the Whole.
- It operates from a place of peace, it expresses itself through feelings of
joy, contentment, and serenity
- our Ego self and our
on the earthly level..
expresses specific individualized qualities and characteristics that make us
- It has many different aspects
Learn to appreciate the voices of both selves
The voice of our ego self is full of questions such as "how,"
"when," "where," "who," and "why." It
reasons, justifies, and judges. It is most entertaining and very creative.
- Our deeper self seeks harmony and experience. The voice of our deeper
self is quiet, calm, sure, and simple. It often speaks in simple statements such
as "yes," "no," "go," "now," and
"listen." It doesn't engage in reasoning things out, it gently speaks
its knowing. It is persistent but never coercive. It peacefully sits, watching
and waiting. It knows it is connected and at home in the universe, so there is
no anxiety or fear about what it has or does not have. Because.
- Some of us just naturally and gradually slip into greater and greater
expressions of our deeper self with each year that passes.
- Others of us become aware of this self through challenges, crises, or
creative experiences in life.
- Often, we seem asleep to this power within us until some circumstance
requires us to dig deeply into our reserves and find our deeper self, awake and
ready to help.
Increase awareness of our deeper self
- through books, workshops, classes, and ceremonies
- we find it simply in quiet.
- With practice, we learn to ignore the clamor around us and the chatter
of our ego self, and hear the quiet sure wisdom of our still, small voice.
- As we focus our ego self on those qualities which are most loving and
in harmony, we experience more and more the joy of connection to our deeper
-search for higher
-stillness, meditation
-release of negative ego attitudes
-reprogramming for higher spiritual attitude
-communication with the different selves, voice dialoguing
-use of different tools
-use of different techniques of expression
-Lucid dreams
God within and without
- search of God , as
spirit, universal, spiritual
-eternally and infinitely perfect.
- limitless, no limit of time, space
-Oneness, Unity
-unconditional love, compassion
-wisdom, spiritual qualities
-attunement with soul, with higher self attitude
-request for help/assistance from
-attunement with monad
-request for help/assistance from monad
Inner healer
-treatment, medicine
-life style
Inner teacher
- knowingness, information
-personal developmnent
Inner artist
-creativity, beauty, diversity
-inspirations, intuition
Inner guardian
-advices, guidance
Inner spiritual teacher
-spiritual development
-spiritual will
Lucid dreams
We need both working in
harmony to express our wholeness. We just need to be aware of the source of the
message we are hearing so we can make wise and loving choices. Both selves are
essential for us to be who we are.
The ego self needs the deeper self for its clarity and wisdom.
The deeper self in turn needs the ego self to demonstrate its unique
individualized qualities, and as a mechanism for gaining experience.
Then our deeper wiser self can better shine through our beautiful,
individualized characteristics with its bright light of truth, wisdom, and love.
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