-good karma
-promote absence of mind agitation for meditation
-to reach rapidly the full cosmic conscious
-to purify the nadi in order to promote the flux of prana
for increase of vital force
and control of mind and body
-mental stability which will imply pranic
stability and balance
-avoid attachment and regret
I- Non violence (Ahimsa)
The main source of violence is the intellect which translates disharmonic energy in thought, words or action. When you realize that the main objective of man is to become spiritual and to be attuned with the Higher-self (Atma). You become non-violent and your intellect is anymore disturbed even if someone hurts you.
-Intellectual non-violence ( Baudhika Ahimsa)
-Verbal non-violence (Vachika Ahimsa)
-Physical no-violence ( Sharirik Ahimsa)
are two ways: we should conduct thoughts, words and actions in agreement with
truth or thruth is the result of harmony between thoughts, words and action. Our
words should not contain an
intention to hurt metally, verbally and physically
-Intellectual Truthfulness ( Baudhika Satya)
-Verbal Truthfulness ( Varicka Satya)
-Physical Truthfulness ( Sharirik Satya)
stealing (Asteya)
stealing includes also the idea of non promoting and non
approving any
theft mentally, verbally or physically. Anything you get without
“ work” will be only
source of difficulty and non-happiness.
non stealing (Baudhika Asteya)
-Verbal non stealing ( Vachika Asteya)
-Physical non stealing ( Sharirik asteya)
is not limited to sexual control but is extended to the control of all the
organs of sense, of gross body as
well as subtle body.
-Intellectual Chastity (Baudhika Brahmacharya)
-Verbal chastity (vachika Brahmacharya) (control of wording)
-Physical chastity (Sharirik Brahmacharya) (sacred sexuality)
Non avidity (Aparigraha)
avidity is a state of detachment towards desire of senses. The objective
is to balance and harmonize our
mental tendencies and consequently our words and action.
-Intellectual austerity ( Baudhika aparigraha)
-Verbal austerity ( Vachika aparigraha)
-Physical austerity (Sharirik aparigraha)
Yama practices should take into account
It should be considered
-towards another person
-towards self
-allow others
-promote, push others
three intensities may be considered also
Tools used will be
- meditation,
- discernment
- reflection
Yoga Practices work first on physical control. Once physical non-violence mastered, work on verbal non-violence. At the end comes the control of the thoughts, moods and mental behaviour. First on Gross body then on subtle body
Before any thoughts, words, actions, it is important to think of the consequences. .Avoiding mind agitation, will allow the spiritual forces to accumulate pranic energy, life forces , which can be used for higher state of conscience which in turn , will balance and harmonize lower state of conscience. Slowly getting installed in non-violence, You will be invaded by an ocean of kindness, gentleness, compassion, absence of fear which will conduct to blessings, serenity and bliss.
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