-every Wednesday from 20h to 22h: L'Age d'or : Yoga and Ayurveda
-every Wednesday from 18h to 19h : GYM A FAO: Group Session : Yoga-Massage
-every 2d and 4th thursday from 11 September 2008, room E025, FAO
-Presentation on His Teachings, The Yoga of Jesus
-Thursday 11 September 2008, Introduction
-Thursday 25 September 2008: Jesus, Divine Incarnation, Avatar
-Thursday 9 October 2008: Jesus and Yoga
-Thursday 23 October 2008: The Yoga of Jesus:
Inner Teachings of Jesus the Yogi
-Thursday 26
February 2009
- The Muslim Jesus: “ Jesus in the
Muslim Gospel ”
-Thursday 9
April 2009
-Thursday 23
April 2009
Apocalypse of
-Thursday 13
May 2009
Imitation of Christ- Introduction
-Thursday 13 June 2009: The Imitation of Christ- Book two - The Inner
-Thursday 25 June 2009: The Imitation of Christ:- Book three- Inner
-Thursday July 2009 The Imitation of Christ- Book four -
-every fifteen days starting from 18 September 2007, room E025, FAO
-Presentation on the Bhagavad Gita, the song of the Divine
-Tuesday 18 September, Introduction
-Tuesday 2 October, The Yoga of despondency of Arjuna
-Tuesday 16 October: The Yoga of Knowledge
-Tuesday 30 October: The Yoga of Action
-Tuesday 13 November: The Yoga of Wisdom
-Tuesday 27 November: The Yoga of Renunciation of Action
-Tuesday 11 December: The Yoga of Meditation
-Tuesday 11 January 2008: The Yoga of Knowledge
-Tuesday 25 January 2008. The Yoga of the Absolute Truth
-Tuesday 8 February 2008: The Yoga of the Royal Science and the Royal Secret
-Tuesday 22 February 2008: The Yoga of the Divine Manifestations and Glories
-Tuesday 11 March: 2008 The Yoga of the Vision of the Cosmic Form
-Thursday 20 March 2008: The Yoga of Devotion
-Thursday 07 April: 2008 The Yoga of Discrimination between the Field and the Knower
of the Field
-Thursday 30 April 2008: The Yoga of classification of the three gunas
-Thursday 20 May 2008: The Yoga of The Supreme Self
-Thursday 9 June 2008: The Yoga of the Divine and the Demonic
-Thursday 23 June: 2008 The Yoga of the three-fold Faith
-Thursday 10 July 2008: The Yoga of Liberation by
-Thursday 7 August 2008: Wrestling, Pride and Beauty
-every fifteen days starting from 19 September 2006, room E007 FAO
-Presentation on Yoga Sutra of Patanjali
-Tuesday 8 January: Afflictions YS-II.3-26
-Tuesday 23 January: Stages of illumination YS-II.27-29
-Tuesday 6 February: Yama and Nyama-Restriction and Discipline YS-II-30-45
-Tuesday 20 February: Asana and Pranayana-Postures and breathYS-II.46-55
-Tuesday 6 March: Integration YS-III.1-14
-Tuesday 20 March: Supernatural Powers: YS-III:15-35
-Tuesday 3 April: Dangers of Supernatural powers YS-III: 51-56-and Freedom
YS-IV: 1-6
-Tuesday 15 May: Karma YS: IV: 7-17
-Tuesday 25 June: Total Liberation YS: IV: 30-34
-every fifteen days starting from 16 September 2005, room E025 FAO
-Presentation on Higher Performance
-Tuesday 20 September: Introduction on Higher Performance
-Tuesday 4 October : Protection and Self defense
-Tuesday 18 October : Self Diagnosis
-Tuesday 15 November : Ayurvedic and Yogic Purification
-Tuesday 29 November: Higher Nutrition
-Tuesday 10 January: The Power of Yoga
-Tuesday 24 January: Astrology and our Health
-Tuesday 6 February: Dance and Rituals
-Tuesday 21 February: Painting, Drawing, Writing and Meditation
-Tuesday 2 May: Psychological Treatments with Vedic Approach
-Tuesday 13 June: Unconditional Love- Oneness-
Karma Yoga
-every fifteen days starting from 16 September 2004, room E025 FAO
-Presentation on Spiritual Search year
-every fifteen days starting from 16 September 2003, room E025 FAO
-Presentations on Body Mind Wellness for Creativity year 2003-2004
-every fifteen days starting from September 2002, room E025 FAO
-Presentations on Personality building year 2002-2003
-every fifteen days starting from september 2001 room E025 FAO
-Presentattions on Yoga for Eyes
-Presentations on Boosting your Immune system
-Presentations on Keeping Fit
-Presentations on HeartWork
- Presentation- Video: Wrestling, Pride and Beauty,
Austria Room (FAO) on Thursday 7 August 2008 at 13h
-every three months: Contact for next venue
-Pulizia e Purificazione con shankprankshalana : dalle 9.00 alle 19.00
Domenica 26
Ottobre 2008 dalle 9.00 a 18.00
-24h Silence: dalle 10.00 alle 20.00
Venerdi 15 e Sabato 16 August 2008
dalle 9.30 ore alle 9.30
-Food for Soul: Teoria-mo, Cucinia-mo, Degustia-mo: dalle 14.00 alle 19.00:
alla trascendenza
2008 dalle
9.30 alle 18.00
-Celebration Journey: dalle 16.00 alle 19.00
Domenica 4
Gennaio 2009 dalle
09.30 alle 19.00
-Sunday 31 December 2006: Meditative Réveillon :dalle 18.00
.Saturday 28 January 2006: Cucina
Ayurvedica - Dieta Vata-Pitta-Kapha, ad Acilia, Via delle Alghe 70,
dalle 14.00 alle 19.00
-Saturday 21 January 2006: Cucina
Ayurvedica - Dieta depurativa, ad Acilia, Via delle Alghe 70,
dalle 14.00 alle 19.00
-Sunday 26 November 2005: Musica
meditativa da Benares a Bamako
con Francesca Cassio e Djibril Diabate accompagnato da Manja Jordan, alle
18.30a Bibliothé, Via Celsa 4/5
-Saturday 5 November 2005: Cucina Ayurvedica; -Dieta sattvica
-Saturday 8 October 2005: Presentazione
Nutrizione con un approccio integrato e olistico
MOTAMOT, via Giulio Rocco 37-39 alle 16.30
-10 July 2005: Aloe ed Aloe nella
nostra vita di tutti giorni , ad Acilia, Via delle Alghe 70,
-11-12 Giugno 2005
-Porta aperta sull'Ayurveda ad Acilia, Via delle Alghe 70,
-12-13 Giugno 2004
-Week-end " Rasayana "
-12 April 2004
- Seminario "Primavera: Cambio di stagione- Primizia a tutti cambiamenti"
-9 April 2004
Presentation "Primavera: Cambio di stagione- Primizia a tutti
cambiamenti" Erboristeria Il Giardino delle Erbe
Via G. Boldini, 21 - Acilia
-4 April 2004
-Seminario: Pulizia e Purificazione con Shankpranshalana
-22 February 2004
-One day Panchakarma con shankpranshalana ( proposed every three months)
-17-18 January 2004
-Seminario: " Il mio sistema immunitario" con approccio integrato e olistico"
- 6 December 2003
-Presentation " Il mio sistema immunitario" con approccio
integrato e olistico" Erboristeria Il Giardino delle Erbe
Via G. Boldini, 21 - Acilia
- 18 October 2003
-One day: Pulizia e Purificazione con shankprankshalana
- 27-28 September 2003
- Week end : "Ayurveda nella nostra vita di tutti giorni"
1 Novembre 2005
Séminaire sur Aloe et Aloe dans notre vie de tous les jours de 10h a 18h
2-3 et 7-8 Avril 2005
Avril : Séminaire sur « L’Ayurveda fait maison » de
9h30 a 18h
7-8 Avril: Séance individuelle : Yoga – Massage
(sur rendez-vous)
7 Avril : Présentation sur
« La Méditation : méthode et effet »
d’une heure et demi à 19h
-29-30-31 octobre 2004
-Vendredi: présentation "Ma parole: Affirme et Crée!" from
19h to 20h30
-Samedi: Séminaire: "Ayurveda pour Tous" from 9h30 to 18h
-Dimanche: Yoga and Massage
- 20-23 May 2004
- Thursday- Friday : personalized Yoga-Massage or Ayurvedic Massage
-Presentation on " Construire sa vie avec une vision positive: Adieu
Stress, Fatigue, Dépression": Friday evening from 18h30 to 20h30
-Seminaire : ETRE BIEN DANS SA PEAU( in french)
If your are interested, please send an email, call and book as soon as possible
All the
techniques are simple practices which should be carried out, once known, at home
For more
contact: Tel: (39) 06- 52362326 evening hour or (39) 328.888.3725 or
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